Security Maturity Assessment

The Security Maturity Assessment gives organisations a clear understanding of their current security posture, identifies areas for improvement, and provides a structured approach to adopting security best practices. It can easily be translated into a board report.

It uses the CIS (Centre for Internet Security) framework to evaluate an organisation’s current security practices and measure them against a set of defined benchmarks. This real-world framework was created by people delivering enterprise IT, to provide a comprehensive set of best practices and controls for securing technology platforms, including operating systems, databases, networks, and applications.

Speculo Security Maturity Assessment

Security Maturity Assessment provides

Maturity measurement

Rates an organisation’s maturity level for each area within the CIS Framework – such as policy adherence, technical configurations, monitoring capabilities, and employee knowledge.

Security assessment

Evaluates your organisation’s existing security controls, policies, procedures, and technical implementations. Identifies gaps, weaknesses, and areas of non-compliance through reviewing documentation, interviewing relevant stakeholders, and conducting technical assessments.

Identified improvements

Identifies specific areas for improvement, like implementing missing controls, updating policies and procedures, security configurations, monitoring, or employee training.

Clear priorities

The assessment identifies areas requiring immediate attention and prioritises them according to the risks they pose to the organisation.

Communicate and report

The Assessment’s findings, and progress will be reported to stakeholders to ensure transparency, highlight its importance, and facilitate sound decision-making and resource allocation.

Improvement plan

This baseline outlines the actions required to improve security maturity in each identified area, and prioritises each improvement based on its impact and feasibility.

Key benefits

Visibility of security posture

A CIS assessment provides a clear and structured view of your current security posture, identifying strengths and weaknesses, enabling informed decisions, and effective resource allocation to enhance security.

Best practice alignment

A maturity assessment based on the highly respected CIS Framework, benchmarks current practice against a comprehensive set of controls, guidelines, and recommendations developed by security experts.

Compliance and regulatory alignment

A maturity assessment using the CIS Framework helps ensure compliance by evaluating adherence to industry-recognised security standards and provides a structured approach to improvement.

Stakeholder confidence

A CIS Framework assessment enhances stakeholder confidence and trust by showcasing the adoption of industry-recognised best practices and implementation of effective security controls.

Measurement of progress

Regularly reassessing maturity enables an organisation to track improvement, validate enhancements, and drive continuous improvement – keeping security practices aligned with evolving threats and industry standards.

Risk reduction

The assessment helps reduce an organisation’s overall risk profile by identifying addressable weaknesses and providing recommended controls and best practices to improve its resilience to cyber threats.

Improvement roadmap

It provides a roadmap for improving security posture, outlining specific actions and recommendations for enhancing security controls, policies, procedures, and technical implementations in each assessed area.

Prioritised actions

Critical areas requiring immediate attention are identified, enabling organisations to focus on high-risk and high-impact areas and allocate limited resources effectively.

Strategic decision-making

Armed with insights from the assessment, you can make strategic decisions about security investments, policies, and practices to align with your organization’s risk appetite and business objectives.

Why use Speculo?

  • Unbiased and transparent assessments and recommendations
  • Built in quality control across all service offerings
  • A bespoke service tailored to your organisation’s needs
  • Highly experienced and expert individuals with industry recognised qualifications
  • Extensive experience of adhering and working within top-tier methodologies and frameworks
  • Access to Speculo’s vast wealth of knowledge, unique experience, and expansive support network
  • Access our expertise on a fractional and on demand basis
  • A proven approach that consistently delivers results and measurable value
Speculo Security Risk Assessment