
Gain clarity and understanding of your organisations security maturity and risk posture and the steps that can be taken to improve your posture through Speculo’s security consulting services.

Speculo offers the expertise to help your organisation understand your potential security risks and threats with the skills and capability to lead the development and delivery of a successful security strategy and architecture.

Three delivery options

Speculo’s security expertise is available:

  • As-a-Service: a low monthly fee with the ability to expand quickly and efficiently
  • Consultancy: a defined service package either delivered via time and materials or fixed price
  • Resource Augmentation: expert resources on-demand billed via an hourly consumption model.

Speculo’s Security Services

Speculo Chief Information Security Officer-as-a-Service (CISOaaS)


The know-how to plan and implement the actions required to incrementally improve security posture, as-a-Service.

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Speculo Security Maturity Assessment

Security Maturity Assessment

Clear assessment of current security posture, and a structured approach to adopting security best practices.

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Speculo Security Resource Augmentation

Resource Augmentation

Security Architect
Security Consultant

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Speculo Security Risk Assessment

Security Risk Assessment

Systematically identifies, evaluates, and prioritises potential security risks and threats your organisation is exposed to.

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